Sweet Hirado

Hirado is an island located at the westernmost tip of Kyushu. Through it’s strategic location and its connection with the sea it became Japan’s gateway to foreign lands. In the 12th century it was the first place where Zen monk Eisai first introduced both Zen and tea culture to Japan. In the 16th century, Europeans started to trade in Hirado and called it Firando. Soon many western cultural influences were introduced to Japan through Hirado. By trade with the west it flourished and became known as ‘the Capital of the West’. One of the many things that the Europeans brought with them was sugar.

Shigenobu Matsura, the 29th head of the ruling Matsura family, founded his own samurai style tea ceremony called Chinshin-ryu. Together with the tea ceremony, the culture of sweet making flourished in Hirado, making it Japan’s first island of sweets.

When people arrived from foreign lands, tea was surely part of the welcome they received. At the same time, sugar was a most lavish luxury, and the banquets that were held by the overseas visitors certainly brought inspiration that gave birth to new unique sweets.

Today, 400 years later, the cultures of tea and sweets are combined in ‘Sweet Hirado’, a project in which Dutch creators were invited to Hirado to work with the craftsmen of local sweetshops. Together they created a new chapter to the unique Hirado sweet culture which will be presented to the world. Just as western sweet culture was introduced to the east, Hirado sweet culture will be introduced to the west.

2017 will see the birth of 24 new sweets. All of them have been inspired by intercultural crossovers and each hides a secret story waiting to be discovered, like a shining hidden gem. These are not just typical Japanese wagashi sweets, these are Hirado sweets.

All 24 sweets can be ordered from our website.


九州の西の端、平戸は海に囲まれその立地から異国の文化の到着地でした。12世紀 栄西禅師により茶、禅も初めてここ平戸に到着します。
その後16 世紀、ヨーロッパではフィランドという名で知られ、西洋の文化が次々と上陸、平戸は繁栄し西の都と呼ばれるに至りました。



それから約400年後、この茶・菓子文化は再び、”Sweet Hirado”として長いお付き合いのオランダから招いたクリエーターと平戸の菓子職人とともに、



All 24 sweets can be ordered from our website.


*Original Sweet Hirado catalogues with drawings of the designers INA-MATT and Roosmarijn Pallandt are available for purchase.

*Sweet Hirado/東西百菓之図のカタログ、オランダのクリエーター2組(INA-MATT, Roosmrijn )自身がそれぞれにお菓子を描いたカタログも販売しております。

All 24 sweets can be ordered from our website. Please note the following:

  1. It takes 2 weeks to process orders so please make sure to place your order at least 2 weeks in advance.
  2. Orders must include 4 different kinds of at least 3 sweets each.
  3. We can only send within Japan with refrigerated or frozen delivery.
  4. Please consume the unbaked sweets within 24 hours of defrosting.
  5. Defrosting time indication: Spring, Fall, Winter: 2 hours, Summer: 1 hour
  6. Detailed ingredient information and price can be sent on request
  7. Due to the frozen delivery the sweets cannot be pre-wrapped. However for an additional fee, gift wrapping can be send with your order.
    Please wrap after defrosting.

24 種類のお菓子は、Webからのみ全種類オーダーすることが可能です。

  1. オーダーは2週間前のみお受けいたします。 オーダー頂きましてお届けまで2週間は必要です。
  2. 4種類3個以上からのみオーダーお受け致します。
  3. 地方発送もお受けします、冷凍、常温になります。
  4. 生菓子は解凍後、翌日にはお召し上がりください。
  5. 解凍目安時間:春、秋、冬:室温2時間、夏:室温1時間
  6. お菓子の詳しい成分表・お値段などはお問い合わせ頂いた際にメールにてお送りいたします。
  7. 別料金でプレゼント用ラッピング道具一式をおつけすることも可能です。


*The line-up of Sweet Hirado at the 3 stores of Eshiro, Tsutaya and Kumaya in Hirado will change with the seasons.
The complete set of 24 sweets can only be ordered online.


*平戸の3店舗、えしろ、熊屋、蔦屋では、季節ごとのsweet Hiradoをお出ししております。

For orders,reservations and information requests, please contact us at

お問い合わせは、C&[Chi and]


Enjoy the sweets as part of the Dutch Tea Ceremony, a full tea course complete with light and thick tea and a light tea lunch in between. It is served at the historical Kanuntei Teahouse in the Matsura Historical Museum gardens for a limited period only: Feb 15 – May 21, 2017. Reservations need to be made in advance.

*松浦史料博物館内、お茶室、閑雲亭では、期間限定(2017年2月15日(水)- 5月21日(日))まで、オランダ茶会と称しまして、点心—お濃茶—薄茶のフルコースが このSweet Hiradoとともにお楽しみになれます、予約制になります。



The Dutch Tea Ceremony



The Story of the Project

